Mind bytes

Here you find some randomly assorted articles, how-tos, and tutorials for automating stuff on your computer, evaluating data, etc. There is / will be stuff on python, statistics, science, etc. that you might find useful, or maybe not. Either way: Happy browsing!

Seven in a row

One of my favorite radio shows is Radiolab, which always presents the listener with an interesting scientific question from across the board. In a recent rerun, Radiolab discussed Stochasticity.

Writing an Abstract

Writing is an important part of everybody’s scientific work since we all like to share our findings and discoveries. I have taken several writing courses over the years. My approach to writing has thus been by these courses, plus some of my own experiences. Is it great now? Surely not, but better than it used to be! No approach works for everybody. However, I hope that you might find some interesting things in my opinion on how to write an abstract.

The day the Earth stood still

Assume the following thought experiment: The Earth circling the Sun at a cozy distance of 1 AU (around 150 million km) suddenly stands still and doesn’t move anymore. The only force left on the Earth is now the Sun’s gravitational pull. The question we want to answer here is: How long will it take for the Earth to crash into the Sun?

The number of atoms in a SiC stardust grain

In this article, we will analyze how many atoms of a given trace element are in a presolar SiC grain of a given size. Furthermore, the Jupyter notebook in which this article was written is available via binder, so you can adjust it at any point to change the calculations and adopt it to your needs.

Resources for Programming

Sooner or later, most scientist have to automate certain tasks. It is generally advisable to leave such repetitive things that can be automated to the computer. Here we have a look at tools that might help with this task.