Signatures of stellar nucleosynthesis in meteorites

Reto Trappitsch
September 17, 2024

The solar nebula – a turbulent environment

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Meteorites – the poor researcher's space probe

  • Falls and finds
  • Generally found in hot and cold deserts

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Meteorites come in various shapes and densities


  • Got hot and (partially) melted
  • Highly altered due to the heat


  • Silicates and metals still mixed
  • Most primitive meteorites
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

With a lot of measurements come a lot of different groups


Warren et al. (2011)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Precision measurements of meteorites indicate grouping


Jupiter – separator of reservoirs in the solar system

  • Early infall of material: forms the first material (CAIs)
  • Late infall: separation of NC & CC
  • Jupiter core formation: Separates the two reservoirs
  • After asteroids formed:
    • Migration of Jupiter and Saturn
    • Mixes material in solar system (grand tack model)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Jupiter – separator of reservoirs in the solar system

  • Early infall of material: forms the first material (CAIs)
  • Late infall: separation of NC & CC
  • Jupiter core formation: Separates the two reservoirs
  • After asteroids formed:
    • Migration of Jupiter and Saturn
    • Mixes material in solar system (grand tack model)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Stellar messengers in our solar system

For current-day messengers see talk by Dominik Koll, Wednesday morning

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

A zoo of presolar grains

  • Nanodiamonds: ~106 atoms
  • Silicon carbide: The hardy ones
  • Graphites: Large but fragile
  • Silicates: Small and fragile
  • ...

Silicon Carbide (SiC) are the best studied phase due to their size and hardiness

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Silicon carbide grains: Are they presolar?

  • δ-units: Deviation from solar in ‰
  • Extreme isotope compositions
  • Determine provenance by analyzing Si, C, & N isotopes
  • Hands-on astrophysical samples
    • Stellar nucleosynthesis
    • Galactic chemical evolution

Each grain contains its parent star's nucleosynthetic signature

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Silicon carbide grains: Are they presolar?

  • δ-units: Deviation from solar in ‰
  • Extreme isotope compositions
  • Determine provenance by analyzing Si, C, & N isotopes
  • Hands-on astrophysical samples
    • Stellar nucleosynthesis
    • Galactic chemical evolution

Each grain contains its parent star's nucleosynthetic signature

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars

  • Copious dust producers
  • Host of the s-process
  • Two important neutron sources
    • 13C(α,n)16O
    • 22Ne(α,n)25Mg
  • Envelope well mixed
  • Form SiC grains

Presolar SiC grains: directly probe the stellar envelope!

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

The two neutron sources at work


  • Main s-process neutron source
  • Neutron density: < 107 cm-3
  • Thousands of years


  • Bottom of He intershell
  • Max. neutron density ~109 cm-3
  • A few years
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

We can see these signatures in presolar grains!


Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Deciphering the stellar conditions

  • SiC condenses only if C/O > 1
  • Heavier stars get hotter
    • Stronger 22Ne(α,n)25Mg
    • Produce more 96Zr
  • Nuclear physics complicates picture further
  • Presolar grains allow deciphering stellar conditions
see, e.g., Liu et al. (20xx), Stephan et al. (2019)


AGB models: Lugaro et al. (2018)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Deciphering the stellar conditions

  • SiC condenses only if C/O > 1
  • Heavier stars get hotter
    • Stronger 22Ne(α,n)25Mg
    • Produce more 96Zr
  • Nuclear physics complicates picture further
  • Presolar grains allow deciphering stellar conditions
see, e.g., Liu et al. (20xx), Stephan et al. (2019)


AGB models: Lugaro et al. (2018)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Deciphering the stellar conditions

  • SiC condenses only if C/O > 1
  • Heavier stars get hotter
    • Stronger 22Ne(α,n)25Mg
    • Produce more 96Zr
  • Nuclear physics complicates picture further
  • Presolar grains allow deciphering stellar conditions
see, e.g., Liu et al. (20xx), Stephan et al. (2019)


AGB models: Lugaro et al. (2018)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Deciphering the stellar conditions

  • SiC condenses only if C/O > 1
  • Heavier stars get hotter
    • Stronger 22Ne(α,n)25Mg
    • Produce more 96Zr
  • Nuclear physics complicates picture further
  • Presolar grains allow deciphering stellar conditions
see, e.g., Liu et al. (20xx), Stephan et al. (2019)


AGB models: Lugaro et al. (2018)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Deciphering the stellar conditions

  • SiC condenses only if C/O > 1
  • Heavier stars get hotter
    • Stronger 22Ne(α,n)25Mg
    • Produce more 96Zr
  • Nuclear physics complicates picture further
  • Presolar grains allow deciphering stellar conditions
see, e.g., Liu et al. (20xx), Stephan et al. (2019)


AGB models: Lugaro et al. (2018)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Deciphering the stellar conditions

  • SiC condenses only if C/O > 1
  • Heavier stars get hotter
    • Stronger 22Ne(α,n)25Mg
    • Produce more 96Zr
  • Nuclear physics complicates picture further
  • Presolar grains allow deciphering stellar conditions
see, e.g., Liu et al. (20xx), Stephan et al. (2019)


AGB models: Lugaro et al. (2018)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Molybdenum is especially interesting


Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Measurements indicate constant r/p isotope production


Stephan et al. (2019)
  • 92Mo not made in s-process but destroyed
  • Extrapolation towards no-92Mo yield pure s-process composition
  • This would be possible for other elements, e.g., Ru, Sm, and (maybe) Pt
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

The galactic chemical evolution (GCE) puzzle

  • Presolar grains are older than the solar system
  • Many of them are enriched in 29Si and 30Si compared to the sun
  • Heterogeneous GCE
  • GCE models predict a slope ~1 line for correlation
  • Actual measurements show slope 1.34 (Stephan et al., 2024)

What is going on?

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

The influence of nuclear reaction rates on the slope


Fok et al. (in review)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Stellar nucleosynthesis effects

Nuclear reaction rate uncertainties have a large influence, especially on 29Si
Fok et al. (in review)
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

C-O shell mergers complicate the picture further


  • Ritter et al. (2017) proposed shell mergers solve abundance of odd-Z elements
  • Isotopes do not agree and are a much finer probe!
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Nuclear reaction rate uncertainties could explain the model-data discrepancy

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

Presolar grain analysis: Hands-on astrophysics...

  • Isotopic messenger
  • Fine probes for many processes
    • s-process nucleosynthesis
    • Rare nucleosynthesis processes
    • GCE
    • ...
  • Recent advances in measurement techniques

Stay tuned!


SiC grain imaged in the secondary electron microscope
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024

... or astronomy with a microscope

Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024


Hung Kwan Fok*
Jutta Escher, Jason Harke, Richard Hughes, Brett Isselhardt, Wei Jia Ong, Mike Savina, Ziva Shulaker, Barbara Wang
Andy Davis, Mike Pellin, Philipp Heck, Thomas Stephan
Benoit Côté*, Marco Pignatari*, Maria Lugaro
NuGrid collaboration*
Signature of stellar nucleosynthesis | Reto Trappitsch | Sep 17, 2024